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It’s Time for the DILF Wars

Expanding on a theme, but leaving the heavy-duty stuff to my Imperfect Parent co-bloggers,?‚? I’ve been mulling over a phenomenon lately and it’s all about — the label.

The term “MILF” was brought?‚? to my attention about?‚? eighteen months?‚? ago, by a male friend of mine.

“A WHAT?” I said.

“MILF.”?‚? And he graciously explained.

“Oh,” was all I could muster.

But secretly? My wheels were turning and I jumped on the bandwagon.?‚? No, not to be one, I would never presume that, even as a single mom in a very married suburb.?‚? Men are way too predictable and I don’t fit the mold.?‚? What I realized is that I sit on the other side of the fence. I?‚? was looking at — no, not just looking, oogling, the dads in the bleachers and?‚? at?‚? Parents Night.?‚? I just didn’t know that doing so, had a label.?‚? But it did from that moment on.


Oh, so this was not a new concept, just new to me — and to most women. Grouping other adults, yes, married adults mostly, into the “yes” and “no” columns in?‚? your mind was actually something other people did. Well, obviously men were doing it. Why not women??‚? Maybe most married women aren’t thinking about which married men they find attractive, which ones make them wonder, if even for a nanosecond, just what it might be like. I didn’t when I was married, for the most part. But I’m not anymore.?‚? And?‚? sizing up, so to speak, the dad contingent is a great way to spend time when my own kids aren’t up to bat or when the?‚? game or a meeting is dragging on for way. too. long.

There’s hot mom contents, television, books, websites, and even an MILF?‚? category on this blog. Women are either intrigued or appalled at the concept, but nevertheless, being stuck with that “MILF” label is all the rage.

So if the dads knew, that at least some moms kept a list,?‚? would they?‚? balk or complain??‚? Would they write blog posts and articles and?‚? debate over whether or not it’s good for their image, for their career, or for their children for them to be objectified and reduced to merely a “yes” or a “no”??‚? Or would they take it as it’s meant??‚? As a secret compliment and really rather meaningless. I know that history leaves men and women at different ends of the?‚? sexually acceptable spectrum, but the gap is closing each and every day.?‚?

Would there be a war among dads?‚? based on whether or not they wanted?‚? the DILF?‚? label? ?‚? ?‚? ?‚?

If so, something tells me most would simply surrender.

The post It’s Time for the DILF Wars appeared first on Imperfect Parent.

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